

All tickets for Live Nation Estonia events are on sale at Piletilevi, but ticket links for all events can also be found on our website and Facebook.

  • Sign up for a Live Nation Concert Club account & make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter.
  • Log in to our website with your account and go to the desired event page at the beginning of the pre-sale.
  • Get your phone/laptop/iPad/watch ready to go on the event ticketing page at least 10 minutes before!
  • Only use one browser per device as multiple tabs open on the same device confuses the site.
  • Don’t refresh the page.
  • Have your payment method and information ready for a quick checkout.
  • Make sure you keep your eye on the timer! Most ticketing sites will have a countdown that only reserves your seats for a certain period.

We will send the pre-sale codes of the events to the e-mail of the members of the Live Nation Concert Club on the day of the pre-sale. To receive information about pre-sales for our events, you must be a member of Live Nation and have agreed to receive a newsletter. You can register as a Live Nation Concert Club Member here.

Pre-sale information is sent to all newsletter subscribers at the beginning of the pre-sale, be sure to also check your e-mail spam folders.

If you've recently signed up for Live Nation Concert Club, your information may not have entered our newsletter system yet, it will take a few days. You can still access the pre-sale by logging in to our website with your account and clicking on the ticket link directly under the desired event information.

Under no circumstances do we recommend buying tickets on social media or from unauthorized reseller sites, these tickets may not guarantee access to the event.

We recommend signing up for a Live Nation Concert Club membership and and clicking on "Going" at the official Facebook event, as we will let you know if additional or last minute tickets are on sale.

Piletilevi repurchases tickets in a situation where the event has been canceled, the time of the event has changed or the content of the event has changed to the extent that it can be assumed that the ticket buyer may not have wanted to buy a ticket for the changed event.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer repurchases due to a ticket purchaser who for any reason is unable or unwilling to attend the event.

See if the tickets can be securely transferred to a family member or friend. We strongly suggest staying away from trying to re-sell your tickets online.


Your show will be proceeding as planned unless you hear otherwise. We will communicate any changes to your show via the following channels:

  • Facebook event
  • Live Nation Estonia website
  • An email from your point of purchase

If you are still concerned about the status of your show, please feel free to reach out at info@livenation.ee

If your show has been rescheduled, we have had to postpone it to a new date. If you are unable to attend the event on the new date, you will be entitled to a refund within a certain period of time from the time the event is postponed. In most cases, tickets will be valid for the new date – however in some circumstances you will be reissued new tickets.

Please wait until you receive your email from the point of purchase which will detail which circumstances are applicable to you. If you have any further questions on rescheduled shows, please reach out to your point of purchase.

Please be assured that we are working on new dates for your tour and ticketholders will be the first to know of new dates.

Ticket holders wishing to attend should retain their tickets pending confirmation of new dates. Ticketholders unable or unwilling to attend the new dates will be entitled to a refund within a certain period of time from the time the event is postponed.

This means that your show is no longer going ahead and will not be rescheduled at this time. Please wait until you receive your email from the point of purchase which will detail what happens next. If you have any further questions on cancelled shows, please reach out to your point of purchase.

Unless you hear otherwise, your show will be proceeding.

If you are still waiting to hear on your new rescheduled dates, we strongly recommend that you keep your ticket as we cannot guarantee the same seats if you request a refund and repurchase tickets when the new dates are announced.

Please be assured that we are working as fast as we can to find new dates for your show, and current ticketholders will be the first to know about any updates!


You can register as a member of the Live Nation Concert Club here.

You can write or call us:
+372 615 0051/ info@livenation.ee

In addition, we are always there for you on Facebook.