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Information on pledge containers

Pursuant to Subsection 5 (8) of the Packaging Act and the implementing provision Section 395, we are pleased to inform you of an important initiative aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental awareness during our upcoming concerts and events in Estonia. In order to comply with this rule, it is now mandatory to use reusable receptacles at major events in our country. 

In order to fulfil this obligation and reduce our ecological footprint, we have cooperated with Round Cup OÜ. ‘Pledge cups’ are used in the event area. The process is simple: a deposit of 3 euros is collected for each pledge item and upon returning the cup, 2 euros will be returned to you for the pledge, 1 euro will remain as a handling fee for the organiser. This initiative ensures that we jointly contribute to environmental protection, keeping Estonian nature clean and eliminating single-use plastic waste.

Why do we take the deposit?

Our main objective is to end the use of single-use plastic containers at events and contribute to the circular economy. By charging a handling fee, we can cover the costs of the service, including the collection, cleaning and transport of reusable items. We believe that sharing these responsibilities will bring long-term benefits to all parties involved. 

How to request a deposit refund: 

  • Keep the pledge cups: do not throw the pledge cups and containers in the trash. Instead, keep them during the event and reuse them.
  • Return to designated locations: pledge return tents act as a return point (see the map) Please note that there are three separate return points for cups and cups will not be taken back by the food stalls.
  • Refunds by cash or card: once you have returned the pledge items, you can, according to your preferences, get the deposit back in cash or have it transferred to your card.

We understand that moving towards a circular economy at public events can be a new experience. However, we firmly believe that by working together we can create a positive impact on the environment and make an important contribution to the preservation of clean nature. 

Thank you for your support and understanding in this important environmental endeavour. 

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.